My column is the Paris dispatch but I don't think since my first
work for USOUNDS that I've actually written about my adopted city.
Whenever I finally return home from a trip, be it a short one
or a 3 month wander, I always jump into a special night scene
as my first order of business. Armed with cigarettes and some
cash, I see as many women, smiles, bathrooms, bars, fights, until
sunrise, when I meet some friends (mostly old, but hopefully with
some from that night) at my apartment and begin to party in earnest.
When I'm out I want to hear it all, as visions blur bye and sidewalks
are pounded and cloth seat cabs sat in. When I'm home I need something
that can help me shake off the coats of nighttime but still let
me feel their warmth.. something fur soft but rock hard. A few
days ago, as I reentered the city in a rented Renault (the DS
is in England in the shop! More on that some other time)