by Phillippe Coulette
There are but a few things in
life I hold sacred. One of those things is my lovely wife, Coverton,
of whom we shall speak no more. Another is Theodore, the pilot of
my GV, who is a great man and a great pilot. The third thing is,
of course, the great bird itself. My gorgeous white streak of pure
platinum, my sun of suns, my Gulfstream Five, finest, sleekest,
and best piece of machinery on the planet.

When someone tells you there
are three things they hold sacred in life, it is natural to assume
that they are so shallow that those three things really are the
only three things he cares about. I assure you that this is not
true in my case.
While I do indeed hold those
three things above all others, there are other things that have
value to me as well. Fine wine, for example. At the moment I'm drinking
a very nice Shiraz from South Western Australia. Dry, dusky country.
I know because Theo once brought me there in the GV. I recall the
flight perfectly-- it was incredibly exhilarating.
Besides fine wine there's music.
That's why I write for usounds. Although sometimes I think maybe
the editors only let me write for the magazine because I let them
fly in the GV with me.
Speaking of music, the best
thing I've bought in a long time is Fantastic Plastic Machine's
new one. Last night a close lady friend of mine told me, just as
we left Paris, that she wanted something fun to listen to. Luckily
the Fantastic Plastic Machine album was close at hand. Rest Easy,
it's all perfect, I assured her. Some of the other lady friends
giggled as the first beats of the FPM album came on. A woman spoke
in French, snares skipped, and the girls started to
dance in their sleek chairs. Theodore's voice came over the loud
speaker, "Excuse me ladies and gentleman, please remain in
your seats during take-off," but it was too late. Disco2000
was breaking out and champagne was already spilled on the ultra-suede.

Fantastic Plastic Machine is
the joy of music, cut up beats, 60's voice samples, swingin'
sounds. With elements of jungle, psychedelic, bachelor pad, and
bossa nova, It's the perfect soundtrack to the movie in le internacional
popstar mind, the movie that I've got to go live. Thanks a million,
usounds. You're looking incredible, better than ever. Catch you
next time I'm in town...
--Phillippe Coulette, IV
Buy the Album: Fantastic
Plastic Machine.
You can also pre-order the new one here.