How to reduce the volume of the waist at home?
The owner of a beautiful and thin waist will not leave a single representative of a strong sex indifferent. Without an elegant, thin waist is unthinkable by the beauty of the female body, since it is the waist that emphasizes even more beauty and roundness of the hips and chest.
However, not every lady boasts the beauty of his waist. Most women, unfortunately, are under a fierce struggle with fatty sediments located in this part of the body. Those women who have extra money and time will solve this problem, as a rule, in medical centers or in the office at a cosmetologist or nutritionist. But here are their difficulties, because a nutritionist or a beautician can only recommend a set of special procedures aimed at reducing the fat stratum in the waist area, but cannot make the patient abandon the harmful and calorie foods that adversely affect the entire female figure.
Many women are often wondering how to lose weight and make the waist thinner, without doing anything. So does not happen. Create beautiful body proportions and reduce the waist at home without serious financial costs, but for this you only need to show a little willpower and follow the recommendations that are given below.
- It is possible to thin the waist thinner, but for this one method is not enough. To obtain a quick and stable result, it is necessary not only to perform certain exercises, but also change your nutrition. It would be nice for exercises and proper nutrition to add and cosmetic procedures.
- It is necessary to abandon the harmful products that increase the volume of the body. The first in the list of harmful products is a favorite ice cream, which is a real poison for a female figure. The second listed are carbonated, sweet drinks, chocolates and pastries.
-In your menu it is necessary to include products containing a large amount of plant tissue: apples, sprouted wheat grains, cabbage, etc. The plant fiber, like a broom, cleans the body from slags, toxins and food residues that increase the waist.
- The beauty of the waist is recommended to twist the hoop daily and use tea for weight loss. Twist Hula-HUP can even while watching a favorite telecast or film. You need to rotate the hoop, at least ten minutes for each side.
-Effective impact on the waist and slopes to the parties. This exercise is done very simple. Stand straight, legs put on the width of the shoulders. Hands straighten up, lift over your head and thread into the castle. Further, you need to do slow deep slopes first to the left, then right. In each direction, sequentially, you need to perform 15 slopes. For better effect, it is recommended to make 2-3 repeats.
- Once a week it is necessary to make cosmetic wraps with clay, red burning pepper, ginger, clove or cinnamorous essential oil.
When fulfilling all these recommendations, you can not only make the waist thinner, but also improve the figure as a whole. The most interesting facts about people - PEOPLE Here they write the most interesting facts and life hacks in communicating with other people, you also already know a lot of new things about your personality