Thrush. Yeast infection. Overview
Pathogenic yeast usually lives in a small amount in the vagina. Yeast fungi are the causative agent of thrush. Usually this infection is not serious and is easily treatable, even despite its unpleasant symptoms.
The most common type of yeast is Candida.
Even a healthy woman has many bacteria and a small number of yeast cells. The most common bacteria, like Lactobacillus acidophilus, help keep dangerous organisms - like yeast - under control.
When the balance of these organisms changes, the yeast can increase in number and cause symptoms. For example, taking antibiotics sometimes causes this imbalance. High estrogen levels caused by pregnancy or hormone therapy can also affect the balance of these organisms in the vagina. Certain health problems, such as diabetes or HIV infection, can cause a number of problems.
Yeast infections cause itching or soreness in the vagina, and sometimes can cause pain and burning sensation during urination or intercourse. Some women also have large, massive, odorless white discharge that resembles cottage cheese in appearance.
These symptoms are more likely to occur within a week before menstruation.
The symptoms of vaginal infection are easily mistaken. See your doctor if you are not sure what exactly is happening with your body. Your doctor may do a vaginal test; you may be pregnant.
If you are already familiar with the symptoms of vaginal infection and can recognize them, excluding the possibility of pregnancy, you can buy drugs without a prescription or use traditional medicine. You can use antifungal cream or vaginal suppositories, as well as antifungal pills.
With mild symptoms, do not worry, perhaps your body will be able to cope with this infection.
Fungal infections are common during pregnancy. If you are expecting a baby, do not use medication to fight yeast infection without consulting your doctor. If you use creams or suppositories to treat infection, use a condom during intercourse to control birth rates. The oil in some medicines can weaken latex (the material used to make condoms.)
In many women, infections come back from time to time. If you have more than four yeast infections per year, see your doctor. Also, you or your partner can do some tests to see if yeast infections are not caused by another health problem, such as diabetes.
If you have good sexual hygiene, you can help prevent infection.
• Keep your vaginal area clean. Use mild, odorless soaps and warm water. Flush your genital area well.
• After going to the toilet, thoroughly wipe the front and back to prevent the spread of yeast or anus bacteria in the vagina, or urinary tract.
• Wear natural underwear that helps keep your genitals dry and not kept warm and humid.
• Avoid tight-fitting clothing such as pantyhose and tight-fitting jeans. They can increase body temperature and moisture in the genital area.
• Do not go in a wet swimsuit.
• Change tampons or pads as often as possible.
• Use deodorants as little as possible, they also change the normal balance of organisms in the vagina. 5 euro deposit casino