The Music You Didn't Know You Needed to Stay Motivated

While I can wholeheartedly say I've been obsessed with alternative music since I was a teen, I do not entirely disregard other genres. On the contrary. I'm all ears as long as a song or an artist has something interesting to say. That's why I felt something click for me when I saw Eminem's iconic “Lose Yourself” performance at this year's Super Bowl halftime show.

I instantly remembered how very powerful I found this song when I was in high school. I passed my SATs with flying colors while listening to it obsessively while studying. The “You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow / This opportunity comes once in a lifetime” part became my special incantation for a long time. I would play the song again and again whenever I felt I needed to gather some courage or motivation to do something for many more years to come. Then, somehow, I completely forgot about it. Until this year's Super Bowl, when it felt like a hidden box in my brain was suddenly unlocked and all those feelings of control, will, and motivation took over me once again. I was reliving my high school senior year in a split-second and it felt awesome. I was so shaken by the feelings I was experiencing that I just had to go online and do some research. I always knew music could make plants grow better and change your mood and whatnot. However, I wanted to really know what's going on inside our brains when we hear certain songs. Now, I want to share my discovery with you.

It's Called Neuromusicologymotivational music

Well, at least that's the name of neuroscience that studies the way the nervous system reacts to certain music, tunes, and sounds. It took many years, but scientists now know exactly what kind of music we should listen to if we want to get into a specific mood. For instance, an ambient song that sounds natural is most suitable for enhanced productivity. Light pop songs or hip-hop music can rapidly motivate you to work out at the gym. Rock gems like Stephen Stills' Black Queen or blues songs like Gambler’s Blues by B.B King are all on the playlists for gamblers to keep the adrenaline going. 

Music truly has the power to create a powerful motivational background for all types of activities, whether physical or psychological. One of the ways it does this is by reducing fatigue, which is one of the main culprits for procrastination and lack of motivation that prevent you from reaching your deadlines. If you find yourself having to perform the same repetitive, dull, or exhausting tasks over and over again every day, your brain is bound to eventually get overly tired and stop working. Whether you're at the office, doing your daily work tasks or you need to practice the same poker, craps, or blackjack strategies online to improve your game, try listening to some songs that truly motivate you while working. The music should immediately fuel your brain with the exact distraction it needs to keep you going while improving your mental endurance. Of course, depending on your personal preferences, you may be the type of gambler who listens to inspiring music while engaged in a game or someone who sticks to the default music within the game. Casino music is known for being extra catchy and stimulating as well, so sticking to it may also do the trick for you. Think of that next time you get ready to hit the mute button in a game.

Cool Alternative Songs to Keep You Going

I bet you already have your own playlist with jams so good that could make you want to run on top of the Himalayas at 3 in the morning on a Saturday whenever you listen to them. Just in case you need some fresh ideas for early morning workouts, hectic days at work, or some unbearably boring tasks, here's what I have in mind: “I Will Not Bow” and “Until the End” by Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed's “Indestructible”, “Flight Inside” by Red, “Ignorance” by Paramore, “My Medicine” by The Pretty Reckless, or Skillet's “Awake and Alive”.

Of course, you could also play some live shows for added emotion or any old-school recordings from Blink 182, Arctic Monkeys, Foo Fighters, or Stone Temple Pilots songs and get the same results. You'll immediately feel overly-stimulated thanks to the proven link between our hearing neurons and the neurons that help us move. In other words, the music will make you more mobile while almost instantly sparking your mental activity. End results? Enhanced productivity and better motivation. What more could you possibly ask for? Next time you feel you're stuck in a rut, hit Play on your special motivational playlist and start feeling the stimulation and good vibes take over.
