Electrocute mp3

Emperor Norton Records invites you to discover Berlin-based duo Electrocute and their trashy rock’n’roll beatscience. Click here for more info on the group, and Click Here to download the mp3 of “I Love My Daddy” from their debut EP.

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10 thoughts on “Electrocute mp3

  1. Wow that Mp3 is absolute unadulterated shite. Emperor Norton wouldn’t know good music from a hole in an ass– they just sign whoever seems to be jumping the band-wagon… so they have some good acts and a whole shitload of crap filler. Pah

  2. thats hilarious! i love it. sounds like some crazy 60’s girl group stuck in a washing machine. i wonder which band wagon “prince Poo” thinks these girl’s jumped on because i never heard anything like this in my life.

  3. I agree with kari ann, prince poo you are a killjoy and you probably smell bad. this is supposed to be fun music, not intellectual wankery

  4. wow. i really like this song. im into this weird crap and all, but they’re good for techno-type music. i give a thumbs up. 🙂

  5. w00t! pwn3d! 🙂 …. this is pretty funny shite… i like it but i cant say its GREAT…. when they come out with an album thats over 5 tracks ill get it 😉 – [eXile]

  6. I had the extreme pleasure of seeing them live two days ago. They opened for Peaches in boston at ‘The Middle East’. The show was a-ma- ZING. Electrocute is fantastically naughty. Buy the album 5 is better than none.

  7. Word. I’d never even heard of Electrocute until I saw them last night, and they totally blew me away. Their act came dangerously close to overshadowing Peaches’ performance.

  8. I saw them live in Vancouver, Canada. Electrocute’s performance was far, far, far superior to Peaches who’s performance was anxious and flat. This Berlin based duo is plugged into the unpure, sexual and wacky world of electro-punk-puppets. Surferpunk meets underground electropop -Albuquerque meets Vienna- whoever signed them should get a bonus humping. Da, da da!! Yeah, yeah, yeah!!

  9. ïèçäàòàÿ ìóçûêà, ìíå ïîíðàâèëîñü, õîðîøàÿ

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