The Go Find’s newest album, Stars on the Wall (release date April 24th) as been described as, “A collection of good-sounding danceable pop tunes.” Check out the song Dictionary.
mp3 of the Day – Future Clouds and Radar
Future Clouds and Radar released a mammoth-sized double album on Tuesday. This collective is based out of Hill Country, TX and is fronted by Robert Harrison (formerly of Cotton Mather). This band has been described as “Sprawling, Orchestral Art Rock.” Check it.
News! This is a News Headline
Hi this is a news story about fun news that’s happening in the news. News!
Samuel Smith’s Nut Brown Ale Review
Nuts + Ale = A fine drinking experience
Until recently, I only took a slight interest in what I call artisan beers. My boyfriend is a former homebrewer of beer and a real fan of your more independent and smaller beers. To me, beer had always been a beverage that I drank with meals or quickly in order to get properly fucked to the curb. And while it tasted good, I was more interested in getting it down my gullet and into my tummy efficiently as opposed to pleasurably. That being said, I’ve had a change of heart! I now truly enjoy drinking beer for its taste and the atmosphere that I enjoy in its presence.
Kittens and Ducks
From Top to Bottom: Kitten-Duck #1, Kitten-Duck #2, Kitten-Duck #3
Of course we all know little gray kittens and tiny yellow ducks are amazingly cute together. Pick out your favorite picture, email us, and we will tabulate your votes for our famous President’s Day blow-out!
A Hundred Years Ago in Music: The 1906 Scene by Jonathan Shipley
1906 was amazing. The Victor Victrola was blasting out the hits! For instance, who can forget “Captain Baby Bunting of the Rocking Horse Brigade”? You can’t? What, are you crazy?! It was a brigade, see, of rocking horses. Ha! And who was leading the charge? Captain Baby Bunting. Oh, that Baby Bunting, he always cracks me up. And the tune is magic! I whistle the tune a lot to keep my spirits up when I’m in the hospital with another bout of scarlet fever.
New Band Feature: The Interiors
photo by Yvette Dostatni
Today’s new band features the noisy rockin’ sounds of Chicago’s The Interiors. Band members Chase, Collin, and Brian sent us a few mp3’s and answered some questions about the new album, Weekend at Bernie’s III, and force-feeding.
Interiors Mp3-a-thon:
The Bug
I’m So Happy
You Should Have Known
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