Ray LaMontagne – Till the Sun Turns Black
Album Leaf – Into the Blue Again
Regina Spektor – Begin to Hope
Hem – Funnel Cloud
Decemberists – Crane Wife
Angels & Airwaves – We Don’t Need to Whisper
Kaki King – Until We Felt Red
KT Tunstall – Eye to the Telescope
Eels – With Strings: Live at Town Hall
Beck – The Information
Kenny Ball’s Top 10
It seems to me that every year I find myself less and less interested with new music and more and more buried into the endless catacomb of 70’s rock and 80’s New York City art/rock shit. This year some new talent—as well as some of music’s staple recording artists—have shown up on the billboard charts. The most exciting part of it all for me is that there were so many young artists making interesting music this year, music that challenged traditional themes and genres. So, without further ado, here are my top ten albums for 2006…
Lily Cutler’s 2006: Hot or Not?
Best afro of ’06
1. TV on the Radio – Return to Cookie Mountain
Once again, TVOTR is un-pidgeon-hole-able
2. The Rapture – Pieces of the People We Love
I liked them before, I love them now.
3. Thom Yorke – The Eraser
Doesn’t make me think “aww…good for him going solo, but he should’ve
kept the band.”
King Simon King’s King of 2006
“As true as thunder crashes, Itty Bitty Kitty,” Cat King bellowed, “you will be safe with me tonight.”
Shrie Bradford’s Top 10
If you give a raccoon a block of sugar, it will take the block of sugar to the nearest source of water and wash it until it completely dissolves.
(in no particular order)
The Knife – Silent Shout
This album has a delicious dark frenzied feel to it that just grabs me. I picture aliens, dark railroad crossings, arson and gleaming sweaty bodies.
Junior Boys – So This is Goodbye
This is just a kickin’ electronic album. It’s low key enough to listen to while simply hanging out, and catchy enough to drive and sing along to. I highly enjoy In The Morning.
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Top Ten Albums of the Year by Terrence, American Buddhist
Greetings, friends and associates from across the globe. It is with great pleasure that I present this list of the top albums I used to mediate and attempt to shed desire with this year. As usual, your gifts of sweet and sticky buds and hashes has made this year one to remember, or not remember, depending on how high I was at the time and at what hour the Satori descended upon my soul.
Actually, instead of writing out all ten albums, I wanted to let you know about the one which really blew my mind in the most incredible way.
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USOUNDS 2006 Top-Ten-A-Thon
The Cape Buffalo: One of the most dangerous animals of 2006
Welcome USOUNDS highly anticipated Top-Ten-A-Thon for 2006. We will feature a top ten by a different staff writer every day until those fuckers run out. For the kick-off, here’s the top one viagra spam USOUNDS received this year (500+ times) which is particularly enjoyable because it’s subtle yet inspiring:
Hello Man, Don’t tell me why your meat is so small, I will better help you to make it really Bigger!
OK! Here’s our first staff top 10 brought to you by Mary Mulholland:
10. The Long Winters Putting The Days To Bed
I almost hate John Roderick for being such a perfect indie rock front man. Not only does he have the best stage banter I’ve ever heard, he’s also written a shockingly good album of impeccable indie anthems. Every one track on this album is fit to be a single.