New Band Feature: The Interiors

photo by Yvette Dostatni

Today’s new band features the noisy rockin’ sounds of Chicago’s The Interiors. Band members Chase, Collin, and Brian sent us a few mp3’s and answered some questions about the new album, Weekend at Bernie’s III, and force-feeding.

Interiors Mp3-a-thon:
The Bug
I’m So Happy
You Should Have Known

USOUNDS: What can you tell us about your forthcoming debut full-length CD?

The Interiors: It’s our ticket out of here.

USOUNDS: I understand you are huge African music fans. What records are you listening to right now? (African and Non-African)

The Interiors: Mahotella Queens – Izibani Zomgqashiyo
Mamar Kassey – Alatoumi (amazing live)
Abdullah Ibrahim – Water From An Ancient Well

Oneida – Each One Teach One (also great live)
Jimmie Rodgers – Brakemans Blues
Phil Spector mix CD

USOUNDS: Can you think of a good scenario for Weekend at Bernie’s III?

The Interiors: Larry and Richard take Bernie down to the Navy Pier and they go on a Speed Dog ride. Even though Bernie is dead weight, he somehow flies out of the Speed Dog because those things are so fucking fast and they have to retrieve him by pretending that he is drowning or some shit and it’s hilarious.

USOUNDS: How do you feel about Chicago’s ban on foie gras? What about force-feeding in general?

The Interiors: The ban is completely misguided and is actually having the opposite of the intended effect (ie more people than ever are eating foie gras in Chicago). We also vigorously oppose force feeding of any kind, unless it’s Kate Moss.

USOUNDS: Gnarls Barkley has more MySpace friends than The Interiors do. This is actually not a question.

The Interiors: As of this writing, 258540 to 255. People, please, help us catch up!

USOUNDS: What’s next for The Interiors?

The Interiors: We plan to shop this ‘demo’ to labels, return to playing live in Chicago and around the Midwest, finish more songs soon and send those out as well. Assuming we are able to find a suitable label, we definitely plan on touring the US/world/universe.

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