Foodborne Toxic Infection
The mechanism of development and symptoms of toxicoinfection mainly depend on the pathogen and the toxin that it produces. The disease most often is quite severe in nature and course.
If the terms and conditions of storage of certain products are not respected, pathogenic microflora begins to develop, which produce substances hazardous to humans in the environment. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the pathogen begins to seed the intestinal mucosa and produce toxins - exotoxins. In addition, under the influence of an alkaline or acidic environment, microorganisms die in a small amount, and some strains contain additional endotoxin inside the cells. All substances are absorbed in the small intestine into the bloodstream and have a negative effect on all organs and tissues.
The incubation period of toxicoinfection is about two hours. The onset is acute, nausea, vomiting, loose stools with an admixture of mucus, or in some cases blood, appear. Everything is accompanied by sharp pains in the abdomen, fever, general weakness, headaches, malaise, sweating and, in rare cases, loss of consciousness. After a day, the symptoms gradually begin to subside, body temperature decreases up to normal numbers, a pale gray complexion, extremities appear. The tongue is coated in white. From the side of the cardiovascular system: heart rate decreases, both systalic and diastolic blood pressure decrease, heart sounds become muffled.
Some toxicoinfections can be manifested by a decrease in urination, convulsions in the limbs.
The main complications of the disease are acute heart failure, dehydration or toxic shock or sepsis, which is rare.
For diagnosis, indicators of a general and biochemical analysis of blood, a general analysis of urine, feces are taken into account. Microbiological diagnosis is done to determine the pathogen or its sensitivity to different types of antibiotics.
As a treatment, antibacterial agents are prescribed. The first days, while specialists determine the type of microorganism, empirical therapy with the use of broad-spectrum drugs is preferable. These include drugs of the penicillin group, cephalosporins, macrolides and carbopenems. Symptomatic treatment is carried out, aimed at improving the general well-being of the patient: painkillers (ketorol) are taken, droppers with solutions of sodium, potassium, calcium, glucose salts are placed under stationary conditions. With a persistent increase in temperature, the patient is given an antipyretic drink (paracetamol).
Prevention of all toxicoinfection is the proper storage, processing and use of products. At the first sign of food spoilage, you should not risk your own health, it is better to dispose of it. Do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene, a good habit is washing your hands before a meal. pożyczka na dowód bez zaświadczeń o zarobkach od 18 lat