Mint and potency
The relationship of mint and potency is of interest to many men with erectile dysfunction. A lot of medical articles have been written on this topic, where different opinions are expressed about the effect of the plant on men's health. It is known that there is a list of products that harm sexual function. For example, men are not recommended to abuse salty, smoked, pastries, coffee and sweets. Well, how does mint affect potency?
On the one hand, the plant has long been used to lower testosterone in a woman's body. However, this does not mean that mint affects potency negatively. After all, the effect on the male body will be completely different. To date, there is no evidence of a negative effect of mint on male potency. In addition, it is not confirmed that the plant reduces the level of testosterone in the male body.
Proponents of the harmful effects of mint on male potency cite as an example the data from studies on laboratory mice, which were fed exclusively with the extract of this plant. This inevitably led to dysfunction of the reproductive system, because apart from peppermint infusion, no other vital elements entered the animal organism. But the same thing will happen if you take any medicine without observing the dosage.
Does mint affect potency
If, when using this ingredient, a measure is observed, then the effect of mint on potency can be positive. It is no secret that the plant is known for its soothing effect. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic effects. Therefore, mint may well have a positive effect on potency. It is noticed that in small doses, the ingredient increases sexual activity. The therapeutic effect is explained by the ability of the herb to relieve stress, which is one of the causes of sexual impotence.
Peppermint can increase potency by helping to relax and create the right mood. Among other things, peppermint drinks have a general strengthening effect. Tea with this extract not only refreshes, but also protects against radiation effects.
Peppermint has a positive effect on potency if you take no more than two cups of tea with this ingredient. After taking a mint drink, a person feels lightness and a libido increase. The grass is especially useful for those who are tormented by depression, neurosis and psychological problems. It is known that erectile dysfunction is often the result of disorders of the nervous system. In these cases, mint has a tangible therapeutic effect.
Mint for potency
In order to prepare a healing product, you need to mix a bunch of dry mint grass and mix it in equal proportions with St. John's wort, clover and nettle. A mixture of dry herbs is immersed in boiling water and cooked for twenty minutes. The resulting tincture should be taken two hundred milliliters several times a day.
In addition, the plant can be prepared with rosemary, savory and oregano. To increase the effect, it is recommended to add honey and lemon. 50 kr insättning casino