Diet for people with weak willpower
Diet is a serious work that requires observing and overcoming many obstacles: performing the daily regimen, combining nutrition and physical activity.

A simple drinking water diet has proven itself. It will be a good option for people who can not afford to run around the shops in search of certain products. All that is needed for this diet is to drink water correctly, because it is a natural solvent, without which biological processes in the body are impossible.

If you decide to use a diet on water, you should remember a few golden rules: you can not drink a lot of water at a time. The best option is liquid intake in small proportions, after an equal amount of time. So you let the body distribute the resulting product correctly.

How does water affect the body when dieting

The resulting water allows you to update the lymph and blood of a person, while getting rid of unnecessary toxic substances, cleanse through the intestines, bladder and blood. Water will help to cope with hunger, it fills the space of the stomach, and a person consumes less food.

Diet on the water: instructions for action

The duration of this diet is about 2 weeks. A person takes a small amount of water before each meal and drinks 1 to 2 glasses at the end. Snacks between meals also consist of a glass of ordinary drinking water.

You can not drink water after eating for an hour. Fluid temperature should be room temperature. For a diet, it is not recommended to use boiled tap water, since it is devoid of many useful trace elements and salts. The best option would be artesian or mountain water.

As nutritionists note, after this diet, a person feels an increase in vitality, while body weight decreases to 8 kg.

Of course, this diet has its contraindications. It is not suitable for pregnant women, people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart.

During any diet, special attention should be paid to sleep. It should be of high quality and long lasting, at least 8-9 hours. If you sleep little, the body will begin to produce the hormone cortisol, which has a negative effect on the endocrine system. And carbohydrates derived from food begin to turn into fat deposits.

The main thing that everyone should remember: any diet requires prior consultation of a dietitian. white label казино