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August 19, 2005
19 Bands to Know and Love
What do the Young Knives, Clor, Editors, Maximo Park, Wilderness, and the Rakes have in common? Caved Arse, celebrated mystery man of music from Hull City, UK recommends them-- and the man is always right about his music. Read on to learn more about Mr. Arse and the bands he wants you to know about, all 19 of them... It's 330 am and i just rec'd an email from Caved Arse. Evidently, after a failed stint as an frustratingly undersexed homosexual arch villain on the celebrated TV series, Smallville, Caved Arse writes, he fled Hollywood only to find his hometown of Hull City in disarray after his beloved Tigers rec. their first loss of the year it the hands of the Wolves. Between his failing acting career and his failing town he found himself stuck with no other option but to return to that comfortable spot between on his studio floor between two large speakers filled with vaccum tubes. There he found his whole musical library had been eaten alive (all 34,000 songs). In the midst of the ensuing bout with depression he realized he had no choice but to leave the confines of a footymad world gone madder, and head out for a walk on the autobahn: praying for death at he hands of a lorry somewhere in Germany. But he never made it. Caved Arse was lost. No music, no career, and no winning football team. So he packed up his last few hundred pounds, bought a second hand discman, and headed to the music store. There he bought a few albums, then headed for the hills....caves, rather..... much like his arse. One cave led to the next, and with the help of his music he was pushed forth back into the world, in hopes that he could integrate, and make something of himself. Now on Salt Spring Island, in the gulf just west of Vancouver, BC, he instructs the hippies and gumboot dancers in the art of modern rock dance. His teachings have been going well, and through his instruction, he has saved up a bit of money to purchase the odd album, and even write an email every now and then. Yes, tis truly the land of milk and honeybees, he writes. Caved Arse is happy. And he thanks that small collection of albums bought back in England, and those later bought, for his recent successes and general spiritual and philosophical turnaround. He suggests all usounds readers, and esp. those in personal crisis to take a listen to these lifesaving gems/artists at first opportunity. Some are unbelievably good, whilst others are just plain fun....You decide, and let Caved Arse know what you think: The Young Knives -- one thinks of wire and ugly Clor -- one thinks of Devo, Gary Numan, and, at times, Editors -- one thinks of Interpol. But to think only The Departure -- Do you like the chameleons, Maximo Park -- Caved Arse loves these guys. Going The Ordinary Boys -- Some fun stuff. Influences like The Open -- Just listen. Start with "Close my eyes". The Others Morning Runner -- Really nice. "Up in flames" sounds a Wilderness -- Great. The Features -- Caved Arse highly recommends "Way its Shout out Louds -- "My friend and the ink" among Cut Copy -- More for the girls. But some nice Nightmare of You -- 'Why i am always right' is The Rakes -- Listen to "Retreat" and surrender. Magic Numbers -- U decide. Sons & Daughters -- U decide. Hard-Fi -- Fun, but substanceless. Just listen and The Paddingtons -- Rawkers that will give you a "Panic
Caved Arse awaits YOUR recommendations. Contact usounds AT gmail and we'll pass them on. Posted by usounds at August 19, 2005 07:44 PMSponsored Links: |